Sunset Wine & Cheese event
On Friday I was treated to a wonderful birthday evening out. My friend had purchased 4 tickets to this event which I had never been to but since it involved cheese.....I was all in!
The Brantford Flying Club hosted a fantastic Sunset Wine & Cheese night. The weather was perfect temperature wise with the threat of rain being a bit iffy but it held off just long enough. The ticketed entry includes an amazing assortment of cheeses, meats, fruits, crackers and dips on a beautiful live edge charcuterie board all provided by Brick & Mortar in Cambridge.
Along with the vast selection of one of my favourite foods - cheese - a glass of wine or beer was included or several non-alcoholic choices were also available.
The evening was serenaded by The Nancy Walker Trio who added a great melodic background to the evening.
We wandered over to the parked planes and listened to our pilot friend answer questions and talk about the plane he usually takes up and we saw a couple of planes land and roll past before the downpour.
There is another night scheduled for August 17th and there are a limited number of tickets available but at least 6 for me!!!